Birding Tips

Little Pied Cormorant by Neil Humphris. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Grey Fantail by Melissa Marie. Used with permission.

Australian Wood Duck by Neil Humphris. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
King Parrot by Neil Humphris. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Superb Fairy-wren by Greg Nye. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Birds are almost always calling, so listen for them whenever you go outdoors.
When you hear a bird, stop, look and listen to pinpoint its location.
Look up, down and straight ahead.
When you’ve spotted a bird, walk slowly and quietly so you do not scare it away.
If you have binoculars, find the bird by keeping your eyes on it as you bring the binoculars to your eyes.
Ask yourself:
What size is it?
It could be similar in size to a Brush Turkey, Magpie or Willy Wagtail.
What are the main colours you see?
They might be on the upperparts (head, back and wings) or underparts (between throat and undertail).
Are there noticeable markings?
There could be spots, barring or vertical stripes.
What shape is the beak?
It could be long, short, curved, straight or hooked.
What is it doing?
It might be flying, resting, feeding, preening or calling.
What does its call or song sound like?
It could sound like words, a tune, a musical instrument or a machine.
How is it moving?
It might be walking or hopping or if flying, it might be gliding, flapping, flitting or swooping.
What feature is easiest to remember?
It might be the calls or colours or behaviour.
If other people are watching the bird with you, make sure you don’t block their view.
Have fun and enjoy learning about birds!