Pacific Black Duck
Anas superciliosa
Quick facts
Size: Averages 50-60 cm including tail, about 1 kg.
Range and lifestyle: Widespread across most of Australia, and found on all types of fresh and salt water bodies, mostly in pairs or small groups.
Food: Seeds of aquatic and waterside plants, insects and small crustaceans, from the surface or by up-ending to reach submerged food.
Breeding: As no nest is built, the female lays 6-12 eggs in a tree hollow or stump. The female incubates the eggs.
Males are slightly larger than females, but females are more boldly marked.
Ducklings can fly after eight weeks but leave the nest as soon as their downy plumage is dry.
They often come onto land and can run easily.
They also forage in wet pastures.
They feed at night, as well as during the day.
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